I guess it must have been some sort of mid life crisis but in 2003 I decided I wanted to renew my acquaintance with a GT6. So I started looking around for a suitable car. I joined the Triumph Sports Six Club and had a look in the classified. Ideally I was after a Mk1 or a Mk2. I found a cheap (cheap being a key factor) MK3 but it was in a lot of pieces so although tempted I decided to look for something else. In the spares section of the TSSC mag, The Courier, was an abandoned MK3 restoration. I gave the seller a ring and found that it was actually a MK2 - fantastic!. It was the Easter holidays so I bribed the kids with a McDonald's and we set off down to Hampshire to have a look. There is no doubt it looked rather sad but it was all there and it was an overdrive MK2. It was purchased for £300.00.